Observations from a middle-aged cat lover who enjoys messing with people's minds.
Published on October 16, 2003 By Poddytat In Stardock Software
I have a problem. I can get the libraries to show up, but there aren't any skins listed. None. The only place they show up is in the top d/l, updated, and new additions. And of course the download page. What's up with that? I have tried refreshing the library database, etc. No luck. What now?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Oct 19, 2003
i am still having the same problem as well mrs poddytat. i start wincustomize, the libraries refresh and nothing shows up. i refresh the updates, close the program and reopen, refresh and sometimes the libraries show, sometimes, like this evening, they don't even after four times refreshing. are teething problems still being worked out, or is this the way things are now?

Powered by SkinBrowser!
on Oct 19, 2003
Navigate to C:/Program Files/Wincustomize/SkinBrowser and delete library.ini, and then also in the sub-folder 'data' delete the library.ini there. When you start Skinbrowser the library will re-download and everything should be ok!