Observations from a middle-aged cat lover who enjoys messing with people's minds.
Reverse Racism, Group Guilt, and Political Correctness, Our Sue-Happy Society, and Welfare Careerists.
Published on February 7, 2004 By Poddytat In Welcome
First of all, I am in favor of everyone getting an education and the best job they are qualified for. I'm not racist. However, having said that, let me tell you MY personal opinion on Affirmative Action.

It's racist. Period. I agree that what has gone on in our country in the past regarding minorities has been excretable. How dare someone put themselves in the position of judging others just on the basis of their skin color?? Hello? Don't we all bleed red? I, however, disagree with the idea that I should have to pay for this just because I'm so white I'm almost see-through. That is an accident of my birth, not a choice. I resent the implication that just because I am of European descent that I consider myself entitled to anything. I don't. I was raised to believe that if you want something you have to work for it, pray for it, and hope you get lucky enough to get the opportunity to do so.

I am a student, and a very good one. I usually run a 4.0 GPA. Not because my scores are adjusted, but because I work my large butt off. I deeply resent the fact that I have to struggle with a placement in the education system when someone who doesnt' have the scores or grades I do getting in just because they are brown, yellow, red, blue, purple, or polka dotted. That is the great white guilt, which I don't have.

I have news for everyone who plans on riding the affirmative action bus to "success." Wake up, you are making a joke out of yourself. If people are so proud of their race, then why are they so quick to trade on it to get the easy ride? I understand that some folks come from economically depressed areas, and are looking for a better life. Good for you, you are what America needs. But for God's sake, work for it, suck it up when things don't go your way, and stop whining. You take food from my table when I can't get a job because my prospective employer has to hire a minority who isn't qualified in order to reach "diversity."

I think the political correctness campaign has spun completely out of control. I think folks have completely lost sight of the fact that life is not a polite, calm thing, but a biting, scratching, get you before you get me affair. I am of German descent, but I don't get offended if someone makes Kraut jokes. Why? Because first of all, I have a sense of humor and a great appreciation for the absurd; second because I probably make more jokes about it than you do. I have news for you, if you are so thin-skinned that what someone says about you or your ethnicity offends you to the point that you sue and ruin everyone else's day, then you need to reprioritize your life. Get a grip. I read in the paper that a person of the female persuasion in Lousiana is suing to have the state motto changed from "The Sportsman's Paradise" to "The Sportsperson's Paradise." WTF? Someone give that chick a valium. That is just as ignorant as the change from chairman to chairperson. I have been a chairman and I still have my ovaries. I didn't feel it was a title designed to humiliate and control me. Why? Because I know it's just a word that has been used for years upon years to describe a position.

I also have a problem with people who dress like prostitutes and then holler "sexual harrassment" when someone whistles, or compliments them. Hello? You aren't fooling anyone, you dress that way in order to get the very response you are screaming about. So shut up and put on a sweater or learn to live with jeers and catcalls.

Another pc convention that drives me bananas is the niceifying of slang. Example: fat. What is wrong with fat? I am fat. Big deal. I don't need to be coddled and told it's not my fault (It is, I eat too much and don't exercise) and that I am gravitationally challenged. Get the hell out of my face. Fat is what it says it is. Fat cells, of which I have plenty and of substantial size. Another one: Crippled. What is wrong with that? I agree with George Carlin on this one. Jesus healed the (wait for it) CRIPPLES, not the handicapped. It's not derogatory, it's descriptive.

Something else that irritates me and is going to end up ruining life as I know it. Self-esteem. What? Let me tell you... When I went to school, we had grades, you got them based on your performance, not your attempts, but your results. There wasn't a "curve" on the basis of "well, she's trying so hard, and she is struggling with poor self-esteem" WTF? Your kid failed? Maybe you better check out your own home situation before you sue the school. Oh yea, I love it when parents sue schools for damaging their children's self-esteem. Can you just imagine what is going to happen to these whiny jagoffs when they get into the real world? Oh yeah, affirmative action will take care of them, never mind. How stupid of me, they have been oppressed by the none-self esteem-challenged. Hello? Kids are cruel, get that straight right from the get go. Another thing you could teach your kids is that life isn't fair, so get over it. If you don't like the way something is, change it, but for Pete's sake, don't whine about how nothing is your fault. Right. Your parents flushed your goldfish when you were six so now you're a career B&E man? Right. You make the choice to break the law, so suck up the consequences.

Tetherball has been eliminated. Tetherball! I loved that game! I won some, I lost some, but it was fun! Dodgeball, yeah I got bruised up (we played death-dodge-ball) but we had fun! And get this: When we played, someone won and someone lost!!!! Sounds hideous doesn't it? Apparently so because schools have gotten away from any kind of competition in which there will be a "non-winner." This is asinine. My mom and dad didn't sue when I fell off the swings because I was acting like a maniac. They whipped my butt for acting like an idiot. What was the outcome? I learned that if you act like an idiot, expect to suffer some consequences you aren't going to like. Did it stop me? Nope. When I was running in the hall and slipped and fell did my parents sue? No, they told me to follow the rules that they were there for a reason (for example: to keep a slightly loopy child from slipping? you think?)

OMG, that reminds me. If anyone out there knows that chick that sued McDonald's because she got burned by hot coffee (no, really? Coffee's supposed to be hot? Hell, no wonder noone likes my coffee), please send me her address so I can go kick her a**. What a joke. Oh, and I want the addresses of the idiots on the jury too. Awarding someone millions of dollars because they were clumsy? Or, how about the woman who sued a furniture store because she tripped over a kid who was running wild and broke her arm. She failed to mention that the out of control brat was her son.

OMG, and don't even get me started about sensitivity training. What kind of joke is that? We're going to reverse millions of years of evolutionary behavior with a couple of classes? With the exception of the few that always exist to give a group a bad name, why do we want to change it? It's worked, hasn't it? Ladies, I have news for you. Men are biologically better able to do heavy lifting. *GASP* Gentlemen, women can give birth and breast feed. There is a reason for divisions in certain areas. We are designed to perform specific functions. Do you know that flirting is an evolutionary behavior? You think you're batting your eyes at the buff guy who owns his own .com company because he's cute? WRONG, you are biologically programmed to be attracted to, and to attempt to attract him to you, because he would make a good provider and protector. Men, you think you like big hooters just because your dad does? Noooo, you like them because biological programming tells you that they are a good food source for your young. Of course since plastic surgery, you (both sexes) have to deal with what is essentially false advertising which is going to throw a monkey wrench in the whole genetic program.

I have no pity for multi-generation welfare families either. Welfare was created to help people in need for a SHORT TIME. It was not intended to be a career. I have heard with my own ears people bragging about how they own new cars, and eat steaks because they know how to work the system. People like that get offended when people like me who work and scrape to make ends meet hate them with a purple passion and look at them like the scum they are. If you can't feed the children you have, DON'T HAVE MORE YOU ASSHOLE! It's not my responsibility to feed your kids because you would rather collect a check and pop out a kid every year than get off your lazy ass, get a job, and use birth control. And don't give me that religious bullshit either. If the pope doesn't want you to use birth control, then send him the kids to take care of. Kapisch? This is why I lost all sympathy for the famine in Ethiopia. People who had kids starving to death right in front of their eyes refused to use condoms because the pope said it was wrong.

The pope. I respect the man, I truly believe he is an agent for the force of good on this earth, but I think his signals are getting crossed. I don't believe that God meant "be fruitful and multiply" to mean have as many as you want and get others to support them, or rape the environment to feed them because you are too stubborn to change your methods because "it's always worked before..." I'm going to laugh my ass off when God shows up one day and says "PEOPLE OF THE EARTH YOU HAVE ERRED. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU IDIOTS? I GAVE YOU FREE WILL AND YOU RAN AMOK! GO TO YOUR ROOM THIS INSTANT AND STAY THERE UNTIL YOU GROW THE FUCK UP"
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